Overview and History:
The Silver Foils, Inc., a nonprofit organization, was founded on February 17, 1909. The Silver Foils organization is recognized as one of the first women’s amateur golf associations in the United States. The history of the Silver Foils is closely interwoven with the history of Pinehurst and the emergence of golf as a sport for women. The Foils promote interest in women’s golf based on pleasure in playing the game with fellow members and respect for the rules and traditions of golf. Weekly games, as well as several competitions, are scheduled year round, including both team and individual play.
Silver Foil Group Pictures from 1923 and 1929.
The Silver Foils membership has grown to over 150 members and includes Active, Associate, Life and Honorary members. Membership was and still is by invitation only and new members must be golfing members of the Pinehurst Country Club.

2021 Silver Foils
Scholarship Program:
In 2016 the Silver Foils established a scholarship program to promote the game of golf by contributing to the education of deserving local female golfers and to locally sponsored girl’s golf organizations. Named for a cherished Silver Foil Life Member, the Peg Kirkpatrick Girls Golf Scholarship has to date awarded over $49,000.
Contact Us:
For more information on The Silver Foils or on the scholarship program:
Mailing Address:
The Silver Foils
P.O. Box 921
Pinehurst, NC 28374